Los escritores de Entrelíneas están comprometidos con provocar emociones en el espectador, estremeciéndolo, asombrándolo y hasta perturbándolo con historias que lo contagien y mantengan aferrado a la pantalla
Born on the 23rd of April 1983 in Mexico City. Member of SOGEM (The Mexican Writers Guild), Bachelors degree in communication from the Anahuac University in Mexico City with a specialization in screenwriting taught in New York City through the Universidad IberoAmericana.
In 2005 writer/director Guillermo Arriaga invited David to participate in the production of the “El Bufalo de la Noche” and from that moment on they developed a working relationship that continues to this day. David has collaborated with Guillermo as an associate producer, writer and director during several films, including: “The Burning Plain” starring Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lawrence and Jose Maria Yazpik, the short film “El Pozo” which was presented in the official competition at the 2010 Venice Film Festival, “Words with Gods” which was part of the official competition at the 2014 Venice Film Festival and the Texas segment of “Rio Te Amo”.
David Barraza wrote the “Gol Gana” story that forms part of the book “Cuentos de Cortometraje”, the script for the short film “Toque de Queda”, the documentary series “Las Historias del Bufalo” along with the film scripts” “Bullet Girl”, “El medico del dictador”, “El Bombero que nadie llamo” and “Animales En La Piel”. In television, David created and developed two seasons of the series “Infidel” for Fox Latin America.
David was head writer on the series “Guardia Garcia” which premiered in November of 2018 on Canal Once in Mexico. He was also head writer for the series “Ninis” which began production in March of 2019. He is the director of operations at Entrelineas and is working on his novel: “El Sonido de un Disparo”